Another breadboard power supply designed by Seeed Studio. It can directly takes power from DC wall wart and outputs a selectable 5V or 3.3V regulated voltage.
Compare to other breadboard power supply designs, this one provided mini-USB port like the seeeduino , you can toggle the switch and select your power source. (USB or dc jack). We also used JST-2pin power jack ,the one as on seeeduino.
With this board, you can send power to both power lane of the breadboard, and each side has an on/off switch.
This power supply fits the breadboard which is 5.3cm wide like Bread board Clear - 8.2 x 5.3cm,and it can fit the 5.5cm wide breadboard too Basic Bread board - 16.5*5.5 cm,but just a little tight and deformed.
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